Frustration can take a lot of energy. It can make you irritable, shortsighted and depressed. It's distracting and it plain old just doesn't feel good. When you're in the heat of frustration it may be difficult to see your way out of it. The truth is that no matter how hard you try to stay attuned to higher frequencies, frustration happens. We're all human, living the human experience, right?
When things don't go as we expect, plans change or we don't get what we want, frustration can take a seat on our shoulders. Whether it is a result of your personal or professional life, frustration is never an invited guest. It could be as simple as being in a tizzy because you can't seem to get the jar of tomato paste open so you can make your famous chili. Or it could be as major as getting passed over for a promotion for the third time.
Regardless of what triggered your frustration, there are ways to work through it for positive outcomes. Exercise is an excellent way to alleviate frustration. It allows you to take your mind off of the problem or situation. It reduces some of the hormonal and chemical changes, like excess cortisol, that come with frustration. Sometimes, it gives you enough space from what has you wound up to think more objectively and logically. When exercise isn't an option, here are some other suggestions.
1. Take a Breath
When you're feeling frustrated it can help to just stop and take a breath. Take a break. When possible, it can be helpful to step away from the situation and come back to it with fresher eyes. Giving yourself just two minutes to just breathe can open up a whole new way of approaching whatever has you frustrated. It's a lot like erasing a chalkboard so you can write a new story. If you have enough time and a location on hand, go in for a full meditation session. Your car, closet, office, restroom, three, five or fifteen minutes, however long and anywhere will do. All you need is your breath.
2. Detach Yourself
Detaching yourself from the situation, expectations, failures. Negative feelings and thoughts can cloud our judgement and our reactions, so a level of detachment helps us to stay calm and more objective. Do your best to calm down and step back. This isn't always easy to do, but when you remind yourself that great solutions and successful outcomes rarely come when we're frustrated.
3. Mind Your Other Emotions
Negativity almost always brings on more negativity. Frustration can lead to anger and anger can lead to hate, and on the wheel goes. Don't let your frustration make you angry. If you're having a hard time getting your desired result, slow down and think about the things that are contributing to holding you back. If you can't get that jar open, make sure your hands are dry. Your flowers keep wilting, check on their light and water requirements. It's not always about what you want to offer. Sometimes it's more about what situations require.
4. Write It Out
Get out your journal and start to write down your feelings. Journaling does a lot for managing frustration and other emotions. It allows you to express your feelings without interruption so that you can reflect on constructive solutions to your frustration. The flow of energy down your arm and through the pen and onto the paper is very cathartic and soothing. It is a release that frees your mind to be more flexible.
When you're feeling frustrated one of the best things you can do is look for solutions and believe that you will find them. Have faith in yourself, and know that you possess infinite potential. The possibilities are truly endless. Frustration doesn't have to lead you on a downward negative spiral.
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